Wednesday 15 June 2016

My First Blog :)

   Hello fellow bloggers, my name is Tanner; and this is my first ever blog! I will be telling you readers about the latest books I have been reading.

   Lately I have been reading the Batman (New 52) series, The Court of Owls. In this series batman is dealing with a group of criminals who have been running Gotham City from the shadows called the court of owls.

  I also plan on Reading Macbeth by William Shakespeare, as well as other novels either by myself or in a literacy circle.

   But I don't just plan on just writing about the books I have read, but just about my grade 12 experiences with friends, school, basketball amongst others!

   The books that I have read in past are Hit and Run, Monster, and other books like that for school; but you guys probably don't care about that. The books I have read on my own include titles such as Star wars- Boba Fett, Batman- Wayne of Gotham, and a few other books in that genre.

   Star Wars- Boba Fett tells the story of Boba Fett through his perspective during Episode 2 "Attack of the Clones". I found it to be a very interesting read because it tells the story of a very iconic Star Wars character that we don't know much about. Batman- Wayne of Gotham is a litterateur novel that tells the story of Batman's relationships with different people in Gotham as well as tells a story of his parents Thomas and Martha Wayne. I would recommend both of these books to nerdy kindm of kids that aren't really into reading like me; this gives them a topic that they will enjoy and one that they can stay focused to!

   Well that's it for now, come back later for more blogs :)

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