Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Batman- The Court of Owls vol. 1 Summary- Part 4 (Finale!)

Hello again everyone, this is going to be my final summary, and the finale, of Batman- the court of owls vol. 1.

I ended off last time with Batman finding a ton of coffins in a room inside the labyrinth and 2 of them were empty after he noticed that he saw 2 figures at the back of the room. Batman then went over to the figures and they were his 2 dead parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne! He began to cry and he hugged them. They than began to tell him that he let them die and that it was his fault. They then began to decay rapidly in his arms and they turned to ash; Batman was confused but he moved on. He was slowly going insane inside this place; the white rooms were becoming black, and his world was turning upside down. After traveling through many dark rooms he just broke down in a room that had water on the floor. He began rambling then… SLISH!!! He was stabbed through the back. Then the masked man showed up and said “Batman, the court of owls has sentenced you to die”. Batman then went unconscious and woke up in Wayne manor with bandages, an I.V., amongst other medical devices attached to him. He asked Alfred what happened and he said that one of his sidekicks found him bleeding in the sewers. Batman then questioned himself wondering if he was dreaming or not. The book then cut back to the court of owls and a man in an owl mask was talking to others in owl masks and was saying that Gotham was needing a fresh start. Then all of the caskets in the room opened up and hundreds of dead people rose and ran from the room.

That is where the book ended, on a huge cliff hanger. I may go read the next one but we’ll see lol. Thanks for reading about Batman and the court of owls. Come back next time for a new blog :)

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