Wednesday 15 June 2016

Batman- The Court of Owls vol. 1 Summary- Part 2

Hello again everyone :). Today I’m going to continue my summary of Batman and the court of owls vol. 1.

I ended off with Batman going to find out who the mystery serial killer is in Gotham. After he found out that Dick was innocent he tracked down where the killer’s hideout. After looking around the place he detected that it was booby-trapped and the entire building he was in exploded with him barely able to make it out. Batman then used the clues he had gathered at the scene to track the killer. Once Batman traced him to the underground sewers of Gotham city he was doing detective work when the killer jumped out of the shadows and he attacked Batman; knocking him unconscious. Batman awake in a white room and heard a voice tell him… “Welcome you to the labyrinth”. The big twist was that the killer, and his entire organization had been hunting Batman!

Where will this lead Batman?; read my next blog to find out ;)

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